What makes us a christian school?
As a Christian school, we seek God’s guidance, Jesus’ presence and the happiness and well-being of those around, in everything we do. Our Christian Vision drives all aspects of our school:
Within God's family we nurture, teach and support each other, opening doors for all. Our Christian Values help us to flourish in school and in our community as beacons radiating the light of Jesus in all that we do.
Daily Collective Worship provides the opportunity for members of our school family to worship God, consider spiritual and moral issues and explore their own beliefs. We have strong links with our local Church Exploits worship Centre Nambo which lead Collective worship every week and deliver Church workshops. We visit the church regularly and the congregation attends our half-termly communion services at school.
Our termly 'Values' days are a huge success as pupils engage in a variety of activities based around Christian Values e.g. love, joy, peace, kindness, forgiveness, hope, and honesty.
We have a dedicated 'team comprising of pupils from Primary 1 - 7 who meet every week to carry out various tasks relating to our Christian values such as setting out 'Prayer spaces' for pupils to attend during lunchtime if they do so wish, helping to deliver Collective worship, planning 'Values' days and delivering lessons.