Hotline: (256) 775 480329


What are the application processes?

What are the application processes?

You only get a true feel for a school when you visit, we would love to show you around our school, please get in touch with us.

Being a successful school with values at the heart of what we do and a mission to make learning truly irresistible.

Below are some of the requirements for your child being admitted and as a new student, one is required to provide the following;

An admission fee of UGX5000.


  • Each child has to bring solid food that is 15KGS of maize, 5KGS of beans, and UGX5000 grinding.

Requirements for day scholars

  • Bible and a book
  • A pair of black shoes
  • 4 rolls of toilet paper
  • 1 dozen of 96-page books (P1-P3)
  • A mathematical set (p3-p4)
  • Dictionary (p4-p6)
  • A package of colored pencils from nursery to P2
  • 1 folder file from nursery to P4
  • Box file P4-P6
  • 2 brooms
  • 1/2 dozen of pens and pencils

For any further help please contact our office


MAM specializes in customer satisfaction.

Call us with your questions!

(256) 775 480329